大张 / 2024-03-17 10:50 发布
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行业刚需、 The nature of the industry is such as to ease cyclical bumps
. The majority of purchasers regards auto insurance as a necessity. 汽車保險產業本身具有平滑週期性波動的特點
大部分汽車購買者都認為車險是有必要的。 。 2
资本支出少、 Industry advantages include lack of inventory
, collection, labor and raw material problems. The hazard of product obsolescence and related equipment obsolescence is also absent. 這個產業的優勢還包括沒有存貨
收款、 勞動力和原材料等方面的問題、 而且也沒有產品過時和相關設備被淘汰的風險, 。 3
历史增长率跑赢通胀和竞争、 The term
“ growth company” has been applied with abandon during the past few years to companies whose sales increases represented little more than inflation of prices and general easing of business competition. “ 成長型企業” 一般是指那些剔除物價上漲和商業競爭緩和的因素 過去幾年銷售依然有所成長的企業, 。 当然过去的增长不能说明未来也能增长( 所以需要预判未来是否有增长潜力, GEICO市占率还有望进一步提升, ) 4
利润率高且大幅高于对手、 Probably the biggest attraction of GEICO is the profit margin advantage it enjoys
. The ratio of underwriting profit to premiums earned in 1949 was 27. 5% for GEICO as compared to 3. 7% for the 135 stock casualty and surety companies summarized by Best’ s. As experience turned for the worse in 1950, Best’ s aggregate’ s profit margin dropped to 3. 0% and GEICO’ s dropped to 13. 0%. GEICO最大的吸引力也許來自於它的利潤率
1949年公司保險利潤與保費收入的比率為 27.5%。 而 Best, ’ s的135家事故保險公司平均利潤率僅為6.7% 1950年景氣轉差。 Best, ’ s計算的平均利潤率降至3% 而GEICO降至18%, 。 另外
补充一下, GEICO本身针对的人群安全系数更高, 而且没有中间商, 成本优势明显, 。 5
内部人持股比例高、 At the end of 1950
, the 10 members of the Board of Directors owned approximately one third of the outstanding stock. 截至1950年末
董事會10位董事共持有GEICO流通股的三分之一左右, 。 小公司内部人士持股率低( 大概率说明两个点, 一是没有那么看好公司, 二是没有经营好企业的动力; ! ) 6
买在便宜时、 At the present price of about eight times the earnings of 1950
, a poor year for the industry, it appears that no price is being paid for the tremendous growth potential of the company. 以目前股價來看
當前估值為1950年 (產業景氣糟糕年份) 盈利的8倍, 看起來完全沒有反映公司巨大的成長潛力, 。来自:炼金女王