富水长流gujianglqc / 2018-10-17 10:40 发布
昨天请大家关注的,园城黄金(600766)连续两个涨停获利恭喜,据我了解市场很多投资者来到股市都不是为了赚钱而来,是为了亏钱而来为什么我会这么说呢,在股市单枪匹马在股市肯定是吃不了兜着走,还有就是刚刚有人提问我,我发的相片这么年轻怎么天天推荐的票都是由涨停板,其实我很明白的告诉大家,这是公司的实力庞大,可想而知单凭我哪有这种能力,我不知道股市在大家心中是什么,在我心中就是无底洞。Yesterday, I asked everyone to pay attention to the fact that Yuancheng Gold (600766) had two consecutive trading limits. Congratulations. As far as I know, many investors in the market have come to the stock market not to make money, but to lose money. Why would I say so? In the stock market alone, I am sure I cannot afford to walk in the stock market alone. There is also someone who has just asked me, how can I recommend tickets every day for such a young person? in fact, I can tell you very clearly. This is the strength of the company, we can imagine that I do not have this ability, I do not know what the stock market in the hearts of everyone, in my heart is bottomless hole.